
Hajime Sasano

  Antares & Rho Ophiuchus Region, Astro D850 Cooled (-9℃), ISO3200 1min X 90 Telescope: TAKAHASHI FSQ106ED(F3.0)

Hajime Sasano

  M8&M20 Astro D850 cooled(-7.7℃) , ISO3200  2min X 18, Telescope: TAKAHASHI ε250C

 Enrico Enzmann

Photographer: Enrico Enzmann Title: M13 Image Data: Camera: CentralDS Astro 5D mark IV 90cm Cassegrain, iso 1600, 30sec X 4,  processed by PS, stack by AS Date: 11 May 2018, Location: near Munich, Germany

Q: How can I change the reddish astro images taken by my modified camera to the natural colored astro images?

A:  The camera modification for astro photography aims to  maximum H-alpha (Hα)  656nm recording. Camera modification for astro photography make the regular camera to High Ha sensing camera, it’s about 3 times more compared to unmodified digital cameras. But the color of background will become so reddish, because the increased red light amount. There are many ways […]

Enrico Enzmann

Photographer: Enrico Enzmann Title: M51 Image Data: Camera: CentralDS Astro 5D mark IV 90cm Cassegrain, iso 650, 240sec X 13,  PS and ES processed, Date: 8 May 2018, Location: near Munich, Germany