Chris Howey


Photographer: Chris Howey
Title: M31

Image Data:
21 x 300 sec + 5 x 360 sec at ISO1600.
CentralDS Astro60D
Borg 125SD at f3.9. TTS 160 Alt Az mount.
Hutech Idas LPII.
Backyard EOS.PHD2. Nebulosity & PS6.
Location: Gloucestershire UK.

Fritz Helmut Hemmerich

Photographer: Fritz Helmut Hemmerich
Title: California Nebula (NGC1499)
Image Data:
captured 2015-09-20, camera: SonyA7s (CentralDS modded and cooled)
52 subframes a 300sec IDAS-V4, scope: RASA 11" F/2.2,
mount: EQ8, Guiding_scope,
processed with PixInsight (registration), CCDware (stacking and deconvolution),
Photoshop CS6 (final cosmetic corrections),
Location: Tenerife, 1180 m altitude.

Dan Llewellyn

Photographer: Dan Llewellyn
Title: Lagoon Nebula
Image Data:
Skywatcher Esprit 120 triplet refractor F7 with flattner.
ISO 12800
Single Exposure 30 seconds

No darks, flats, or bias.
quick processing of jpeg 8 bit not 16 bit.

at the Deerlick Astromy Village on September 15, 2015 at 01:48ut