Vincent Cheng


photographer: Vincent Cheng
Title: Orion Wide field
Image Data:
Location : MeiZhou, CHINA
Date : 20-21,DEC,2014

Camera : CentralDS cooled 5D2 (cooled at -12~-14C)
Telescope/Lens : f/2.8 @ Sigma 50mm f/1.4
Filter : Ha : Astronmik 6nm Ha XL EOS clip-on, color : none
ISO : Ha : 3200, color : 1600
Tracking Mount : VIXEN GP2 Photoguider with DEC motor
Autoguide : none
Total Exposure Time : Ha : 5mins X 26frames, color : 3mins X 21frames
w Dark Frames, Bias Frames
process w PI, PS5

Elio Magnabosco

Photographer: Elio Magnabosco
Title: C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy – Pleiadi

Image Data:
10 frames from 180s to 1600,  Canon 5D MarkII Centalds, Leiz Telyt- R180 Apo F3.4 @ f4

Elio Magnabosco

Photographer: Elio Magnabosco

Title: C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy

Image Data:

Telescope: APM 130f6 reduced a f3.6, five frame 180s ,800 iso

Cooled eos 5D MarkII, modified byCentralds

Chris Howey

Photographer: Chris Howey
Title: IC 410 Bi-Colour  ,
AAPOD (2014.12.31)

Image Data:
A Bi-Colour image of IC410 including the “Tadpoles”.
Taken from my home in Gloucestershire (UK) with a Borg 125SD @ F3.9.
Camera is a cooled and modified Central DS Canon 60D.
Mount is a TTS 160 Panther Alt Az.
15 x 900sec Ha + 14 x 900sec OIII.
Captured with Backyard EOS. Stacked with Nebulosity and processed with Photoshop.

Photographer’s Home page: