Mehmet Ergün


Title: Antares Regeion

Lacation: La Palma, Spain
Date: 28.06.2019

William Optics RedCat51
Skywatcher EQ6GT
MGEN II Guiding
Hutech IDAS D1

Exif: 2 Panel Pano
Pano 1: 26x 300sec. ISO800 250mm f4.9
Pano 2: 26x 300sec. ISO800 250mm f4.9
No Darks, No Bias, No Flats

Edit: PS, PI, LR

Usage of Pin Lever of CM2C or CM2N

The Pin Lever of CM2C or CM2N is located far from the pin hook.  Therefore [Push Upward] is more good  to unlock the pin of lens mount.